Mudik is one of a hereditary tradition of Indonesia. Generally, Mudik is done during Eid because all the long holiday work. This holiday is used for class reunion but what is often done is high school reunion. This class reunion is an activity that you have been waiting for because you can meet your friends while you are still in school.
You definitely want this class reunion to run smoothly so that the reunion has to be planned as well as possible. This class reunion can't be done dressed up because you don't know if your friends can come. You also have to plan other things for the success of the event. Here are tips to help you plan a class reunion:
1.Contact your friends
Contact your friends and Ask them if they can attend ini class reunion what you plan. If your friends can attend your plan can be done but if many your friends can’t attend I suggest you cancel your class reunion plan. Don't forget yout must contact your friends month before this schedule .
2.Plan schedule
You must Plan schedule and location. You can ask your friends for their opinion on the best time for the class reunion. Make sure all your friends can attend to this class reunion. There are several choices of places, in home or in restauran. If you want low budget you can choose your home or your friend home.
3.Choosing dishes
You must choose dishes for this class reunion. Choose disehes what you are easy for to serve without you make dishes. For example you can choose Royal Danisa. Why? Royal Danisa is a traditional butter cookies. You can get it at supermarket. This cake is very delicious bicause made with chosen of fresh currant fruit, perfectly creates a unique taste experience of sweet-tart flavor with a crisp and crunchy texture. That is Good A tantalizing combination of Danisa Traditional Butter Cookies.
For Drink, You can chose 330ml Mineral water plastic Bottles Packaging. Those dishes look exelent for class reunion you and your firend.
In brief, You must plan a class reunion for the event to be successful for example you must contact your friend, choose shedule and dishes. Good Luck!
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